The Center for Global Development is involved in several pilots testing the COD approach in education with the UK DfID. The COD overview below is taken from a presentation by Desmond Bermingham linked here:
The Idea of Cash on Delivery Aid
- An open ‘contract’ offered by one or more funders for recipients to sign on
- Specific amount for specific progress, e.g. $200 per child taking a competency test in the final year of primary school
- Not meant to substitute for existing aid
The Problem: Accountability goes in wrong directions
- In high-income countries, taxes finance service delivery and taxpayers monitor quality
- In aid-dependent countries, citizens have weak incentives to monitor aid-financed programs
- Absent local scrutiny and weak outcome measurement, funders seek to control inputs
- Neither funder nor recipient knows real production function
COD Aid builds on but differs from other approaches
- Macro level (not household or provider)
- Program outcomes that are incremental (not pass/fail like many policy conditions)
- Measurement and transparency makes recipient government accountable to citizens rather than funders
- Funders are also more accountable – to their own legislators and taxpayers for outcomes
Key features of COD Aid
- Funder pays for outcomes, not inputs
- Recipient chooses how to achieve progress not the funder (“Hands-off”)
- Independently verified by a third party
- Transparent to the public
- Complements other aid modalities
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